Past Projects



A performance at Studio 303's Edgy Women Festival involving a lighthouse, a shipwreck and a mustache.


Diminticato Family Circus

A circus-theatre show for the whole family.  What happens when the star of the show grows up and leaves home?  Two circus parents grapple with the loss of the most talented member of the family and ensure the show must go on.

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Morbidly Obtuse

In collaboration with artist and writer Anna Leventhal, Morbidly Obtuse is a cabaret performance piece centred on a failing séance employing, dance, melodrama, clown work and a chorus of singing and dancing skeletons.  Performed as part of the Day of the Dead Cabaret at the Sala Rosa, Montreal


A reading of the French language play TOILE, by Shannon Lavassé-Pierce.  Produced by Summerworks Performance Festival and Sears Drama Festival 2017.

Featuring actors: (L to R) Maïza Dubhé, Patricia Cano, Kristel Descary, Shannon Lavassé-Pierce (playwright) Vlad Alexis, François MacDonald, Taliesin McEnaney (director).

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Three of Cups

A circus duo with cups and accordion